Our Mission

Hyper Viper’s energy drinks come in one flavor as of right now, in a regular sugar-free free version. Our proprietary blend in our 12oz size drink is packed with B6 & B12 Vitamins and 115mg of caffeine to give you just the right amount of an energy boost you need.

Our energy drinks are manufactured in the USA passionately. 

As one of the new drinks in the market, Making a sugar free energy drink, ain't that easy. But we're here to tell you that we accomplished it, keeping it at only 5 calories per serving, no sugar, but all the venom you can possibly taste in Hyper Viper's new Citrus flavor drink.

Hyper Viper’s Sugar Free drink: helps with your fatigue, it definitely improves mental and physical performance and focus, and makes you feel way to good!

Zero sugar, but all the VENOM.. Indulge in Hyper Viper’s sugar free energy drink, filled with natural vitamins to enhance mental & physical performance.

“The spontaneous colors of the design matches with the authenticity of the bold rich taste of every sip. Smooth and wonderful after taste.”

Las Vegas, Nevada

Hyper Viper is the way to go. 0 sugar and only 5 calories? Hard to believe for an energy drink but it’s true! Not to mention how great of a mixer it is for alcohol! Balances it out just enough to have a great taste and a great drink. Can’t wait for it to be sold in stores! 

Las Vegas, Nevada


Based In:

Las Vegas, Nevada.

Business Hours

Monday - Friday: 

9 a.m - 5 p.m


11 a.m - 3 p.m


11 am - 3 p.m